Pink hair is definitely the most popular unnatural hair color. It’s right up there, right next to
Pink Hair Trends
Before we share the best products we use to achieve
Popular Pastel Pink hair
Pastel hair is the most popular and widely searched for when it comes to this hair color.

Beautiful Color Combos
After pastel pink, people go crazy with charming combos of colors.

Dark Pink Hairstyle

Hot Pink Hairstyle

Rose Pink Hair

Natural Hair Colours

Dusty Pink Hair

Pink Hairstyles

Pink Hairstyles for Men
Bold pink hair colors for men are becoming more popular today so if you are a man and you think your men’s pink hair would get him into trouble, think again.

Pink Hair Coloring
If you want to dye your hair at home, watch how she dyes her hair and get some awesome tips.
The Best Pink Hair Dye Reviewed
Below are some of our customer’s favourite Home DIY Vegan and Cruitely-free hair dye.

Your Pink Hairdye Questions Answered
Below, we will address some of the most common questions our hair enthusiasts and avid readers have asked us.
What makes the color pink so special?
Colors have an amazing effect on all of us. Sometimes it’s subtle; sometimes it’s not so subtle. Pink, in particular, is quite interesting: it’s a sweet’ color. Seeing a pink pastry or sweet tends to make us think it’s definitely going to be sweeter and better-tasting than others with different colors. This is because pink makes us want sugar on a subconscious level.
Pink also has a calming effect. It stimulates friendly attitudes and diminishes aggressive behavior. Research results seem to suggest that male weightlifters get weaker in pink rooms. Even some prisons use the pink in their cells and they report a reduction in violent behavior from their inmates. It kind of makes you wonder about Samson: perhaps Delilah’s hair was pink?
What does pink hair mean?
Pink is known as a feminine color today, but it hasn’t always been so, culturally speaking. Nonetheless, today we tend to associate pink with innocence, love, softness, and everything feminine.
Pink is often used as a representative color for women and a symbolic feminine visual cue, due to its strong connection with femininity. Pink clothes for baby girls, pink ribbons to symbolize breast cancer and pink signs for ladies rooms – pink is practically the girl color’. This is obvious with its presence in almost every logo for female brands and products. For a girl, it is a marker and reinforcement of her femininity.
For men, pink often evinces perceptions of homosexuality and emasculation to people around. This is despite the fact that pink wasn’t considered a feminine color until the mid-20th century. Indeed, many have used this color as an expression of gay pride. If you’re a straight male, you need to consider this before dying your hair.
How Long Pink Hair Lasts?
The first question most people ask when they see a hairstyle they would love to try
Well, there’s no simple answer to that second question. How long does it will last? It depends on the quality of the dye you’re using. If you’re using high-quality dye, you can expect your hair to be quite the spectacle for about four weeks before it begins to fade
How Do You Keep Pink Hair From Fading?
We have a couple of tips below to keep your hair from fading.
- First things first, you have to start with healthy hair. If your hair is damaged, it won’t hold in the color as well as if it were healthy. If your hair is weak or dry, then the dye will fade faster
. Regular trims keep the hair healthier and help you get rid of the damaged parts. Before you dye your hair, make sure you keep it healthy and hydrated with hydrating oils and deep conditioning masks. - Pick the right products for your hair. The quality of the dye you use is important. It doesn’t need to cost much to be good, but it usually does. Plus, don’t just settle for the first recommendation you get from your friends. You may need to do some research to get a dye that works well for you.

- Another nifty trick is to dye it darker than the color you actually want. It makes sense when you think about it: the lighter the color you start out with, the faster it fades.
- Also, getting your hair dyed by a hairstylist might cost more than the DIY alternative, but there’s a reason professionals are professionals. A trained hairstylist will most definitely give you better results than you can come up with yourself.
- Finally, to keep your hair color for as long as possible, wash it with cold water. Cold water makes the dye stay longer while hot water makes the hair cuticles open up, which makes the color fade easily. You don’t need to go all ice-age on your hair, just make the water as cool as you can manage.
Pink Hair After Care

Most people would be surprised to hear this, but you shouldn’t shampoo your hair as often when it’s colored.
Here are some tips to maintain your hair after coloring it.
- Don’t shampoo for the first 3 days after getting your hair dyed. And don’t shampoo often either.
- When you do use shampoo, make sure it’s a sulfate-free one.
- Add a little dye to your hair conditioner.
- Use treatments like leave-in conditioners to keep your hair color intact while styling.
- Try healthy treatments for your hair.
Get more insights on how to take care of your hair from this video.
Pink Hair Coloring Alternatives
You might not like the idea of having your hair colored for weeks on end. But you still want that glow. You can color your hair and have it with these alternatives.
Temporary Pink Hair Dye
A temporary hair dye that lasts for just a few days would be ideal for many.

Pink Hair Toner
Hair toners can be used to correct or give your hair the right tone or color you want. Hair toners also help protect your hair.

Pink Hairspray
Hairspray is the perfect way to go on an adventure with your hair color without the commitment of being attached to it for a long time.
Hair Dye That Washes Out

Pink Wigs Human Hair
A wig that goes over your real mane would be a good way to try the pink hairstyle and have the freedom to get rid of it immediately you need to.

Hair Extensions
Hair clips and extensions can be another good way to get this color in your hair without touching your hair itself

Pink Hair Makeup
Wondering how to do your make up when you’ve got this color on? Check out this tutorial by Emily Rose.
Pink hair has been the rave for a few years now, whether that is for pink nails or hair, and the trend doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. It would be nice to get your hair color and nail color to match. Just don’t overdo it; keep it tasteful and elegant. Wear your hair how it suits you, and make sure you enjoy it!