Are you noticing a change in your hair when you run your fingers through it? How about when you choose a different hairstyle than usual? Does it feel as though your hair is thinning, but you aren’t sure why?
Thinning hair is nothing to be alarmed about, as it is often a natural process that occurs as our bodies age. However, sometimes your hair might be thinning from various causes that may surprise you!
If you’re dealing with thinning hair and have questions or concerns, look no further! In this hair thinner guide, we’ll address your concerns and talk to you all about your potentially thinning hair.
Thick Versus Thin Hair
There’s no doubt that you’ve heard about thick hair and thin hair, but do you know what defines the two? Even more than that, do you know what type of hair you have and how it might be affected by thinning hair?
Here’s a quick rundown on types of hair so that you can see for yourself at home!
Thin Hair
You might already have thin hair before you notice it thinning even more. But what does it mean to have thin or fine hair?
Thin hair is most readily defined by the individual strand thickness, not necessarily the amount of hair that you have.
Thin hair is usually thinner than a piece of thread, meaning the diameter is less than that of your average sewing thread!
Thin or fine hair is often soft and smooth to the touch and will be much harder to see than thicker hair strands. It’s also more prone to breakage and split ends.
You may not be able to grow your hair out as long as people with thick hair.
Thick Hair
Knowing whether or not you have thick, luscious hair is tricky. However, most stylists agree that thick hair is defined by coarser strands, and individual strands of hair should be as thick as a piece of thread or potentially even thicker!
Just like thin hair, thick hair is defined by the individual strand density, not necessarily the overall look of your hair.
Think you have thick hair simply based on the overall look of your hairstyle? If you look closer at the strands of hair, you may be surprised by what type of hair you actually have!
So What’s Hair Density?
Hair density may be why you think you have “thick hair”. Hair density refers to the overall volume of hair atop your head, including how many hair follicles you have as well as the placement of the follicles.
If you’ve been told you have thick hair before, this may or may not be the case. The density of your hair may appear thick, but the individual strands may be quite thin!
Checking the density of your hair isn’t hard. It may prove useful if you are tracking your potentially thinning hair.
Follow this quick hair thinner density guide.
- If you have long enough hair, pull it back into a high ponytail, located at the crown of your head.
- Measure the circumference of the ponytail.
- While it isn’t an exact science, most experts agree that you have high-density hair if your ponytail measures two inches or more around!
Why Is My Hair Thinner?
No matter what type of hair you have, noticing it thinning may bother you. Your overall hair density may be thinning, or even your individual strands! Why might this be, and more importantly, how can you combat it?
Hair Thinning Causes
Your thinning hair may be just a natural part of the aging process or potentially hereditary. However, there are other environmental causes as well, including:
- Your diet: eating a well-balanced diet full of healthy proteins will only benefit your hair!
- Stress: the phrase “pulling your hair out” is often a euphemism for stress, and thinning hair can be a side effect!
- Vitamin D deficiency: having enough vitamin D in your system promotes growth via the hair follicles. They may not be getting enough of this key vitamin.
- Certain hairstyles: did you know that certain ways of wearing your hair can put a lot of strain on the follicles, resulting in thinner hair? Also, make sure you’re using the right round brush for you!
If you notice your hair thinning and worry about the potential causes, it may be best to seek a medical professional’s guidance. However, here are some more specific causes of hair thinning based on where you are losing your hair!
Hair Thinning in Front
Experiencing hair loss or thinning right at the front of your head can be embarrassing. It’s the first bit of hair people see when looking directly at you, and having a bald patch there is never an enjoyable experience!

While thinning hair affects all genders, losing your hair on the front of your head is more often an issue for men. Male pattern baldness often begins at the front of your hairline and moves back.
Female pattern baldness is less common but still exists and will also happen in a similar fashion.
Pattern baldness, whether in men or women, is caused by genes, age, and potentially hormone imbalances. If you are under the age of 40 and have no relatives that have experienced early hair loss, you may need to see a doctor about your thyroid or other hormone regulators.
Hair Thinner at the Crown
Hair thinning along the crown of your head is the most common location of hair loss.
It happens equally in men and women and can occur in a circular pattern spreading outward to the rest of your head. Because this is the most common location for hair loss, there are a great number of causes.

Styling your hair frequently, eating poorly, medications, and iron deficiencies are all major players that lead to hair loss along the crown of your head.
You may also be experiencing pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia, another name for it.
Androgenic alopecia occurs in both men and women and is often inherited or part of the aging process. Women going through menopause may also be affected by this due to the many hormone changes your body goes through during this period of your life.
Hair Thinner on Sides
The hair along the sides of your head or at your temples is often weaker than the hair along the back or top of your head. That’s why hair thinning along the sides is most often caused by styling or rough handling.

Stress can also affect your hair along your temples. Many people find they go gray at the temples before going gray anywhere else! Pregnancy and other hormone changes may also cause loss at the temples.
Keep an eye on any side effects of medications, as well as your vitamin D intake. If you have been lacking in this key vitamin, it may explain your thinning hair along the sides of your head!
Hair Thinner at the Ends
Is your hair growing thick and luscious at the roots but thin and scraggly at the ends? This is a common sign of damaged hair, or split ends. While this can happen at any age, it is the easiest to fix!
Split ends are caused by heat damage from straighteners, hairdryers, or curlers, as well as improper hair care products. You may also be experiencing the hair thinner at the ends effect because you haven’t gotten a haircut in a while!
Your hair grows from the roots down, so your thinning split ends are the oldest parts of your hair! If you have not been maintaining the ends of your hair, there is a higher chance of breakage or thinning.
How to Make Thin Hair Look Fuller
So you know your hair is thinner. You also know that you hair will only continue to thin over time. What can you do to help your hair right now? Here are some easy steps you can take to help your hair out!
Step 1 – Change Your Style
Something that may feel obvious but could make all the difference for you is changing up your hairstyle!
This could mean getting a layered haircut that gives you lots of bouncy, voluminous layers, or it could simply be a matter of altering the way you part your hair.
Your current styling routine may be part of your problem as well. If you are using a lot of heat to style your hair, take a break.
This also applies to dyes and coloring your hair. Your hair might need a rest and a change of pace, just like we all do from time to time!
Step 2 – Change Your Shampoo and Conditioner
There are so many products on the market nowadays to help with your thinning hair. Choosing a proper shampoo and conditioner may make all the difference!
Some are even designed to plump individual strands, which means your hair could be the thick locks you’ve always dreamed of!
If you don’t know where to start on shampoos and conditioners for thinning hair, don’t worry. We have a list of great products later on in this hair thinner 101 guide.
Step 3 – Take Your Vitamins
You may be lacking in important vitamins needed to grow strong, thick hair. As you age, taking vitamin supplements, such as prenatal vitamins or simply a mix of iron, vitamin D, and Omega 3 and 6 may boost your hair health.
Step 4 – Eat Your Vegetables (and Others)
If you know your diet isn’t the best, taking the time to make this important change may help out more than just your waistline!
Having a varied and healthy diet improves your thinning hair, especially if you consume a balanced amount of protein and nutrient-rich food.
Step 5 – Seek Prescription Medication or Other Hair Therapy
The most complicated step you can take to improving your thinning hair is seeking medical advice for it. While prescription medication may be complicated, it often has the highest rate of success for extreme hair loss.
You may also consider a more hands-on solution such as laser therapy or hair plugs, but these are often expensive and time-consuming.
However, what matters most of all is you achieving the results you want! If you are hoping for the hair you once had, medication may be the way to go.
How to Make Your Hair Thinner
Now what if you have the opposite problem? What if you want to get hair thinner? Have you always wanted more easy to manage, thinner locks?
Check out this easy hair thinner how-to guide. Here are some of the most important things you can do to achieve the look you’re after.
Step 1 – Change Your Routine
Your thick hair might appreciate a change in scenery! Change up the way your thick hair is styled, including your products. You may find straightening serums on the market or other taming gels.
Avoid products advertising volume and thickened strands. Look for adjectives like “taming” or “calming.” A hair straightener might be a welcome investment, as well as changing how you might be blow drying your hair.
Step 2 – Cut It Out!
Have you ever asked your hairstylist to thin your hair for you? It isn’t a strange question to ask them at all, and they will know exactly what you need!
Most stylists can tell what styles will look best for your face shape, and even if you’re hoping for the same hairstyle, they have the tools you’re looking for.
Hair salons and stylists use thinning shears often, especially for clients with dense hair.
They can use these thinning shears to cut out parts of your thick hair while still leaving your style the same!
Step 3 – Keep It Nourished
Your hair may look thick and frizzy with damage, a common side effect of split ends and styling too much.
Keep an eye out for products that tame and nourish your hair. While some treatments promote the volume and growth of hair, some simply tame and smooth instead.
Smoothing shampoos, conditioners, and hair drying products can help if your hair is thick and unmanageable. Specialized serums are becoming more and more available too.
Our Favorite Hair Thinning Products
If you’re ready to help your thinning hair now but are unsure what products to seek, look no further!
Here’s a list of helpful products for your thinning hair so that you can get help fast, without seeking prescription medication.
Hair Thinning Supplements
Hair thinning supplements may be the exact solution to your problem. These are often specific vitamins and nutrients for thinning hair.
While with some supplements you may have to wait a few months to see full effects, it’s often the best long-term solution to the hair thinner problem.
Here are some of the products we recommend, as well as what they are best for!
Keranique KeraViatin Hair & Scalp Health Supplements
This supplement works great for women as the vitamins involved directly correlate to female hair loss. The company mentions female hair loss as their main motivator and concern, focusing on the long- term health and wellness of the scalp.
This product promotes the strength, growth, and beauty of hair, with the goal of removing the stigma of hair loss.
These hair growth soft gels are powered by Intelli-Dose Targeted Delivery, which contains a naturally-derived thermogenic enhancer that helps activate and selectively provide for the improved absorption of nutrients.
KeraViatin is fueled by Curcumin, found within the turmeric root, one of the most potent and scientifically researched antioxidants. This exclusive formula is chock full of some of the most hair-healthy vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals to support hair growth–from root to tip!
Viviscal Hair Growth for Women
Another top hair thinner supplement comes from Viviscal. This daily vitamin is best for women hoping to improve existing hair growth. It readily promotes existing hair and reduces thinning hair.
In a clinical study, women saw a 32% increase in their number of hairs and a 39% decrease in their hair loss after just 3 months.
This supplement is the only brand that uses AminoMar marine complex, a nourishing vitamin that promotes healthy hair growth from the inside out!
Nutrafol Hair Growth Supplement
This is one of the top-rated hair thinning supplements out there, and for good reason! Nutrafol has many different hair thinning supplements, depending on your age and gender.
This product improves hair growth by targeting the multiple root causes of thinning, including stress and nutrition, from within. Clinically tested ingredients help support overall wellness for better sleep, energy, mood, and skin health!
The women-specific supplement includes Ashwagandha, Tocotrienol Complex, Marine Collagen, and Curcumin.
The male-specific version includes Saw Palmetto, Tocotrienol Complex, Curcumin, and Ashwagandha.
For both men and women, the product is a bit on the pricer side. However, four capsules a day of this clinically effective hair thinner supplement promotes stronger hair growth and less shedding using 21 medical-grade, natural ingredients.
Hair Thinning Shampoo
If you’re not interested in taking supplements but still want help with your thinning hair, shampoos may be a great option for you!
These are often as expensive as supplements but improve the overall look and feel of your hair much faster. Plus, just like supplements, the longer you use them, the more these products work!
For Men
While there are many products for thickening men’s hair, we found that the Reverse Shampoo from évolis Professional got the best results.
Formulated with a proprietary blend of natural actives and antioxidants enhanced with keratin and wheat protein, this renewing shampoo gently cleanses with a rich lather, supports a healthy scalp, and promotes thicker-looking hair.
While it can also be used on women’s hair, men found this product best due to the simplicity of the product as well as its accompanying conditioner and activator hair treatment.
This shampoo will gently cleanse the hair and scalp, support your scalp’s health, provide effortless volume, and is ideal for thinning, aging hair types!
For Women
With the many products on the market today, especially for women’s hair, it was difficult to narrow down a winner! However, we found Alterna’s Caviar Anti-Aging Clinical Densifying Shampoo to be an inspired choice.
Whether you’re young or old, losing your hair from stress or hormones, this shampoo will help thicken your hair, no problem!
This shampoo is based on a sulfate-free formula that thickens and restores while deeply cleansing and protecting the scalp and hair.
Formulated with Red Clover Growth Complex, it removes follicle-clogging debris on the scalp, resulting in shinier, healthier-looking hair. It helps to provide texture to fine, thinning, fragile hair, it gently cleanses as it protects, and it eliminates impurities and build-up.
Hair Thinner Commonly Asked Questions
If you’re wondering about your thinning hair, some of these questions may be ones you have already asked yourself!
You’re not alone in your quest for thicker or thinner hair. Check out some of these commonly asked questions and our expert answers.
Can You Make Your Hair Thinner?
Absolutely! There are many ways to thin your hair, but you should remember to take special care not to damage your hair trying to thin it.
If you struggle with thick hair, you should look into taming products, straighteners, and thinning haircuts at a professional salon.
Why Is My Hair Thinner?
Your hair may be thinner for a great number of reasons. Some of these include heredity, stress, hormone changes or imbalances, or simply the products you are using.
Think about your current lifestyle and if it has changed from when your hair was thicker. Age is also a factor, and you may simply be experiencing thinner hair as you get older!
Can Hair Grow Back After Thinning?
Your hair can absolutely grow back after thinning. Sometimes periods of stress cause our hair to thin or even fall out.
It may take time for your hair to grow back, and it may not grow back at the same density as it did before. However, there are many products and medications to assist with growing your hair back!
Check also our guide on how to make thin hair look fuller.
Does Bleaching Your Hair Make It Thinner?
While bleaching your hair does indeed damage it, it should not harm it so much that it thins. You may notice your ends splitting or thinning after bleaching.
That is totally natural and can be solved with a bit of specialized shampoo or hair cream meant to repair the damage!
Thinning Hair, Let’s Care!
Whether it’s a new concern of yours or an expected adjustment, your thinning hair can be improved with changes in your hair care routine. You’re not alone either–millions of people have thinning hair and know exactly what you may be going through.
Supplements, shampoos, and other products can come to your assistance. As we’ve seen, there a lot you can do to address the problem.
Have you dealt with your thinning hair? What helps your hair grow the best? Tell us your experience in the comments below!